One long refresher simulation for Sasha and myself today on ATV attached phase ops: everything that happens between the dynamic phases of docking and undocking, is the attached phase. In that time ATV is an integral part of ISS.
During those months of exploitation, crewmembers may be asked for example to initiate gas delivery into the ISS atmosphere from the ATV tanks, if that particular vehicle brought onboard air, nitrogen or oxygen. Other tasks involve the delivery of water from the ATV tanks to the big water reservoirs in the Russian service module. Once the ATV water tanks are empty, crewmembers might be asked to fill them up with urine from the smaller urine containers… although that’s done less frequently nowadays that we recycle most of the urine onboard.
Today we also simulated preparing ATV for undocking. At the end of the mission, before departure, some items, like smoke detectors and lights, are removed from the vehicle and stowed on Station to serve as spares, since the same equipment is used in other modules.
In the picture you can see the interface panel with the valves that control fluid delivery. Before any operation, it’s a good idea to check the label of the tank you will work with: if it already has an orange tag, it’s not the right tank to get water from!
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